Bulletin Article for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 26, 2020)

Hello, hello,

Time is moving too fast. It is already the end of January. Things are going pretty well here. Please continue to pray that we find the right Youth Minister, Faith Formation Director, and Adult Faith Formation Director. (If you are interested or someone asks, these are all part-time positions, but two of them could be combined to make a full time position.)

This week, Jesus calls His first Apostles. The first four, Peter, Andrew, James, and John, are all fishermen. When Jesus sees Peer and Andrew, He calls to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They leave everything they know and follow Jesus. Matthew records that they just left their nets there on the shore. What was it about Jesus’ call that got Peter and Andrew to leave behind their nets, to leave the only occupation they knew? What was it about Jesus’ call to James and John that got them to leave not just their nets and boats, but also their father? Jesus didn’t promise them fame or fortune. He did give them a front row seat to the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth. He gave them a front row seat to the teaching, proclaiming of the Gospel, and curing diseases and illness. Yes, during Jesus’ passion, they would all desert Jesus except for John. But after Pentecost, they would travel the world to tell people of every nation the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What about us? Have we felt the call of Jesus in our lives? What is Jesus calling us to do? Most likely we are more educated and smarter than these four Apostles: Peter, James, Andrew, and John. They set the world on fire for Jesus Christ. What is Jesus calling us to do with our talents and treasure?

May God bless and keep you,

Father Vogel 

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