Bulletin Article for the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (June 26, 2016)

Hello All,

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has come to the listening sessions. We have had some great conversation. The honesty and the creativity has been amazing. Thank you. We have one more on Tuesday at 7 PM at St. Casimir.

I also want to thank all of those who came to the ministries training at OLMC last Thursday. I think we had a great night of learning about our roles in the great worship of Mass.

Frank Sonnek, husband of Cathy, passed away last Thursday. Please keep his family and repose of his soul in your prayers. The funeral will be Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake.

As of this Friday, I will have been here a year. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing. Please be patient with me. I still feel like a young priest (not so young in age) and I’m still learning a lot each day. But thank you for a great year. Your faith, your lives are inspiring to me. Thank you for your love of Jesus and the Truth of the Catholic faith.

Nothing too exciting is scheduled for this week. There is a St. Casimir Pastoral Council meeting on Wednesday, June 29, at 5 p.m.

In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus seems pretty harsh. Jesus is serious though. If we are to follow Him, we can’t make God just another piece of our lives. Jesus just wants everything. That doesn’t mean we have to sit the church and pray all day. What it does mean is that everything we would normally do, we do in light of our relationship with Christ. If we are going to be followers of Christ, then we need to be followers of Christ 24/7. This is a challenge; it is not easy, but as Pope Benedict is famous for saying, “The world offers you comfort, but you were not created for comfort; you were created for greatness.” Go and light world on fire for Christ.


Father Vogel

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