Bulletin Article for Palm Sunday (March 24, 2024)

Dear People of God,

Just a reminder that John Reining’s (from St. Patrick’s) funeral is this Tuesday, March 26 at 11 AM at St. Patrick’s in Brownsville. The wake will be the night before at the church.

We are now entering the most holy week of the year. I know there is a lot going on in the world: the Ukraine, conflict in the Gaza Strip, an election year, all the snow we are suppose to get this week, inflation, and other things more personal things. We are not called to put our head and the ground and pretend these things are not happening, but this week we are called to focus more on Christ and His eternal salvation that He extends to us from the Cross and through His resurrection.

Today Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. He is treat like royalty. He is treated like the humble King that He is. People are so excited for Jesus to be in their midst. This Person has performed so many miracles, healed people they knew…this Person was going to be in their midst for the Passover in Jerusalem.

Then five days later, the same crowds are asking for Jesus to be crucified. The very Person they had maybe thought was the Messiah, they are now asking Pilate to crucify. How often do we go with the crowd, even when we know the crowds are wrong? Have we prayed for the grace to stand up for what is right, even if we have to do it alone?


Father Vogel 

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